Legal basis: Art. 17 section 1 of the MAR - confidential information
Report's subject: Preliminary information on the results for Q2 of 2018
The Management Board of J.W. Construction Holding S.A. with its business seat in Ząbki (hereinafter referred to as the Issuer)
hereby informs:
1) The number of real estate development contracts, preliminary sales agreements
(i.e. agreements regarding finished investments, agreements with entities other than individual customers, and business units), and paid reservation contracts entered into by all the companies of the Company's Capital Group in Q2 of 2018 was 332 units.
2) The estimated number of the units that will be recognized in the revenue of the Issuer's Capital Group
for Q2, 2018 was 50. In Q2 of 2017:
1) The number of real estate development contracts, preliminary sales agreements
(i.e. agreements regarding finished investments, agreements with entities other than individual customers, and business units), and paid reservation contracts entered into by all the companies of the Company's Capital Group in Q2 of 2017 was 449 units.
2) The estimated number of the units that were recognized in the revenue of the Issuer's Capital Group
in Q2 of 2017 was 144 units.
The presented information may be different from the final data that will be
presented during the periodical report for Q1 of 2018.